9月27日,二、三年級學生參訪基隆市防災教育館,旨在透過互動學習提升孩子們的防災意識與應變能力。共有43位學生和3位老師參與,大家在輕鬆愉快的氛圍中學習了重要的防災知識,讓這次參訪成為一段難忘的寶貴經驗。 On September 27th, second and third-grade students visited the Keelung Disaster Prevention Education Center. The trip aimed to enhance children's disaster awareness and response skills through interactive learning. A total of 43 students and 3 teachers participated, making it a fun and valuable experience for all.


No.26, Ln. 46, Zhonghua Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Keelung City 203, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel:02-24225530 Fax:02-24226900


網站維護: 基隆市中華國小
